I’ve always had an interest in working with others to improve.  I once considered pursuing a career in psychology or counseling but ended up working my way up the ranks at a restaurant, then into the hotel business and then the casino industry.  During all of that, my greatest strength was creating an amazing team, seeing the best in people and then helping them develop.  I always tried to promote from within, giving people the opportunity to grow and move up.  I love finding the diamond in the rough and helping these people blossom.  After 25 years in the hospitality field, I decided I wanted to do something else, something a little more personal.  I needed to start working on myself and focusing on my self-growth.  So, through some self-discovery and a trail of universe-laid breadcrumbs, I found meditation, and then hypnosis.  I was lucky enough to stumble across (or have it directly laid on my path) an amazing hypnosis training program.
Through this program, I learned an extraordinary version of hypnosis called 5-Path(®).  This type of hypnosis is special because it focuses on the root cause of issues and neutralizes them from the core.  It’s like intense therapy rolled into 5 or 6 sessions.  It’s powerful, effective, and fast!  After seeing the power of hypnosis and how it positively affects peoples’ lives, I knew that’s what I wanted to do.  It’s not a magic pill and without a commitment from both the client and hypnotist, it won’t be nearly as effective, but by working together, it can produce unbelievable results.

We all have something that we’ve pushed deep down and forgot, or that we’ve dealt with so long it no longer affects us.  The truth is that all our life experiences are still with us in some way and if our perception of the past is that of negativity, it can still affect us.  It comes out as self-worth issues, guilt, anxiety, stress, indecisiveness, success blockers, or physical pain.  Hypnosis can help you re-wire your neural pathways and stop that unwanted feeling, physical manifestation, or action.  It’s as simple as guided self-hypnosis and takes collaborative efforts between your hypnotherapist and you.  That’s what makes it so amazing, you actually do the work, I just get to guide you down the right path to help you do it.  It will empower you and give you back whatever you feel like you have been missing.  I’m excited to be a part of this 100-year-old profession.

Real-Life Success Stories: The Transformative Power of Hypnosis

I recently shared some of my most compelling success stories on the Cascade Hypnosis Training podcast, hosted by the esteemed Erika Flint. In one memorable instance, I helped a friend conquer her fear of heights while trekking in Nepal, allowing her to enjoy our trip anxiety-free. Another client overcame lifelong claustrophobia, enabling her to undergo necessary medical procedures and enjoy everyday activities. These stories highlight the rapid, profound changes hypnosis can facilitate, offering a powerful alternative or complement to traditional therapy.

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